What should I expect at a Worship service?
The worship service, or Breaking of Bread meeting, is very distinct from other services. There is a cup of wine and loaf of bread set on a table in the center. These are symbols, and symbols only, of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In partaking of these symbols we remember what He did for us on the Cross. His body was broken and His blood was shed. The Lord Jesus said, “this do in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19). According to the pattern in the New Testament, various brethren in Christ will rise to their feet and offer worship and praise according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Songs of thanksgiving and worship will be sung and this continues until a brother gives thanks for the bread. The loaf of bread is then broken and passed around the circle to those in fellowship. Then thanks is offered up for the wine and passed around in like manner. Following this, there is a offering collected for those in fellowship. Visitors not in fellowship and who do not come with a letter of commendation (Romans 16:1-2) will not be asked to contribute. If you are a visitor and not yet in fellowship, you will be warmly welcomed to this meeting and asked to observe as the Bible teaches. (I Corinthians 14:15-25) This is not to discriminate against the visitor, but to allow them to observe the pattern. It is for the visitor’s protection as well as for the preservation of the assembly of believers. Fellowship in its simplest meaning displays that we agree and we cannot know if we agree unless the visitor learns observes what we stand for and we in turn agree with what the visitor believes.
The Lord’s supper is the meeting that expresses more fully than any other the basis for assembly fellowship and it gives character to every other meeting of an assembly It is an expression of collective worship and because worship is toward God while all other service is primarily toward others, it has priority and primacy in assembly meetings. The great privilege of worship is to be our eternal occupation. The Lord’s supper (1 Cor 11:20), on the Lord’s Day (Rev 1:10), to proclaim the Lord’s death is the nearest place to heaven we can ever be on earth. Its weekly celebration never becomes tedious or commonplace. To gather with God’s people to give God thanks for His Son and to remember the sacrifice that purchased eternal redemption for us is one of the greatest blessĀing bestowed on us. “This do in remembrance of Me” is a command that we love to keep.
Quoted from Gathering Unto His Name by Norman Crawford
What should I expect at a Sunday school service?
We believe it is important to teach children from a young age about the Lord Jesus and the Bible and invite you to bring your children. We start by singing a number of songs that the children pick from a list, recite memory verses, and then have a short lesson from the Bible.
What is a Gospel Meeting?
We have a Gospel Meeting every Sunday night, where the focus is to preach specifically concerning Christ, the Cross, and salvation through His death, burial, and resurrection. We begin with a few songs, prayer, then two speakers divide the rest of the time to tell forth what God has laid on their hearts. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Peace through knowing that our sins are forgiven can only be obtained through faith in Christ’s finished work on the Cross.
What is the Prayer Meeting and Bible Study like?
We typically begin with some announcements of various prayer requests and a song. This precedes a period of praying for specific needs of God’s people and other various concerns that are on the heart of those present. The remainder of the meeting is taken up with the study of a specific chapter that has been previously announced.
Are you associated with the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
We are definitely not associated with them, nor do we agree with their teachings.
Why is your building called the Gospel Hall?
We use the term “Gospel Hall” because we meet simply in a building, or Hall, and one of our main focuses is to preach the gospel, or the good news of how to we can have our sins forgiven and know that we will be in heaven.
Why do the women wear head coverings?
I Corinthians chapter 11 gives us teaching concerning women wearing head coverings. This displays that mankind is in subjection to Christ and His exaltation. (I Corinthians 11:4-5)
For a more thorough explanation, this article might prove helpful.
What do you believe about baptism?
Baptism is by immersion and is for believers. Acts 8:37-38