Audio Messages

Here is our audio library of messages from past events. You can sort the table by clicking on the header item of your choice or you can search for something specific by typing in the search bar. We trust you will be blessed by all you hear!

DescriptionSpeaker NameSeriesDate
PlayComfortWilliam Skates2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayFevers in the life of a believerBrandon Doll2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayBehavior in the House of GodBrian Crawford2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayGold, Silver, Precious StonesMurray McCandless2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayConsiderGary Toombs2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayOur Perspective - TrialsPablo Seguel2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayOur Testimony for GodIsaiah Frazier2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayGospel Message: Heaven or Hell? The Two MalefactorsBrandon Doll2019 Conference2019-04-27
PlayThe TransfigurationMurray McCandless2019 Conference2019-04-28
PlayEsther - Sent for such a time as thisBrandon Doll2019 Conference2019-04-28
PlayLead by God - the Pillar of CloudWilliam Skates2019 Conference2019-04-28
PlayWhy we need to be at all the MeetingsBrian Crawford2019 Conference2019-04-28
PlayGospel Message: Conversion of the Ethiopian EunuchBrandon Doll2019 Conference2019-04-28
PlayChrist the Seed, Stone, SceptreAlan Davidson2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayPurpose of Teaching is Love (1 Tim. 1:3-7)Pablo Seguel2018 Conference2018-04-28
Play(Isaiah 6) When men fail, focus on GodBrian Crawford2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayFlesh and BloodStuart Thompson2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayPriesthood in HebrewsWilliam Lavery2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayThe Fruitful BelieverIsaiah Frazier2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayGospel MessageBrian Crawford2018 Conference2018-04-28
PlayDevotionalStuart Thompson2018 Conference2018-04-29
PlayLearning, Looking, Living (Approx 6 min missing from beg. of message)Alan Davidson2018 Conference2018-04-29
PlayThe Place, the Preeminence of Christ, Prophecies Fulfilled, Partaker of the GloryWilliam Lavery2018 Conference2018-04-29
PlayGospel Message: Who am I?Stuart Thompson2018 Conference2018-04-29
PlaySession 1: Principles and PatternsScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 2: Role of the Holy SpiritScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 3: Church of JerusalemScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 4: Church of AntiochScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 5: Church of CorinthScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 6: Church of EphesusScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-17
PlaySession 7: The Lord's SupperScott MacLeodThe New Testament Church2018-02-18
PlayGospel MessageWilliam Skates2017 Conference2017-04-23
PlayPrayerStuart Thompson2017 Conference2017-04-23
PlayTraditionsMurray McCandless2017 Conference2017-04-23
PlaySufferer, Substitute, and SovereignEric McCullough2017 Conference2017-04-23
PlayThe Lords Hand, Heart and HouseWilliam Lavery2017 Conference2017-04-23
Play4 Men of 3 JohnWilliam Skates2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayMoral HolinessStuart Thompson2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayPrayer in the Old and New TestamentScott MacLeod2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayGospel MessageMurray McCandless2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayPleasing GodLarry Perkins2017 Conference2017-04-22
Play3 Individuals Who may be in a Local AssemblyEric McCullough2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayThings Joshua SawBrandon Doll2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayGospel MessageBrandon Doll2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlaySamson and the 7 Churches of AsiaWilliam Lavery2017 Conference2017-04-22
PlayThe Old Waste PlacesMurray McCandless2017 Conference2017-04-21
PlayFind Fault or Find FulfillmentMurray McCandless2016 Conference2016-04-24
PlayMaryEric McCullough2016 Conference2016-04-24
PlayThree Sights in the BibleEric McCullough2016 Conference2016-04-24
PlayLiving a Life that Counts for EternityBrian Crawford2016 Conference2016-04-24
PlayChrist: The OvercomerWilliam Skates2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayJudges 9: LeadershipWilliam Lavery2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayGospelTerry Topley2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayPsalm 84Murray McCandless2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayCalvaryMurray McCandless2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayDeparture & RecoveryEric McCullough2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayBordersDaniel Shutt2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayTwo Men in EternityDaniel Shutt2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayWhat David Saw, Heard, Said, DidBrandon Doll2016 Conference2016-04-23
PlayLord, is it I?Daniel Shutt2016 Conference2016-04-22
PlayOutcome of ProphecyJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-15
PlayObjective of ProphecyJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-14
PlayOmission from OT ProphecyJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-13
PlayOutline of ProphecyJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-12
PlayOrder of ProphecyJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-11
ViewProphecy ChartJohn MeekinProphecy2015-10-11
PlaySuffering SaintsScott MacLeod2015 Conference2015-04-26
Play4 Things that Produce RestJim Smith2015 Conference2015-04-26
PlayWatch Your LoveEugene Badgley2015 Conference2015-04-26
PlayFaithfulness to ChristEric McCullough2015 Conference2015-04-26
PlayGospel MessageBrandon Doll2015 Conference2015-04-26
PlayDevotionWilliam Lavery2015 Conference2015-04-26
PlayNights in the Life of JacobStanley Wells2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayLord\'s Supper: Giving Our BestScott MacLeod2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayElishaMurray McCandless2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayGospel MessageMurray McCandless2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayOneness of BelieversJim Smith2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlaySpiritual SobrietyJames Frazier2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayHeavenEric McCullough2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayLiving with Judgment in ViewBrandon Doll2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayLearning About HeavenWilliam Lavery2015 Conference2015-04-25
PlayPresent Your BodiesWilliam Lavery2015 Conference2015-04-25
Play7-Christ in the GardenDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-03-01
Play6-Downstooping, Exaltation and Coming of ChristDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
Play5-Death, Resurrection and AscensionDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
Play1-The Deity of ChristDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
Play4-The Atonement of ChristDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
Play2-The Humanity of ChristDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
Play3-The Messiah - Boyhood, Temptations, ImpeccabilityDavid VallanceThe Person of Christ2015-02-28
PlayGideon, Abimelech, Jephthah, SamsonWilliam SkatesPostmodernism2015-01-08
PlayGideonWilliam SkatesPostmodernism2015-01-07
PlayDeborah and BarakWilliam SkatesPostmodernism2015-01-06
PlayEhudWilliam SkatesPostmodernism2015-01-05
PlayAbraham, Long VisionJim Smith2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayNight SeasonsJim Beattie2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayChildren Under the WordGary Toombs2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayMary and MarthaBruce Rodgers2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayGospelBrian Crawford2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayRejection of the Perfect ServantWilliam Lavery2014 Conference2014-04-27
PlayKnowing the Will of GodLarry Perkins2014 Conference2014-04-26
Play1 John 1Jim Smith2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayLight, Life, Love in JohnJim Beattie2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayShepherdingGary Sharp2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayGospelGary Sharp2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayDistant Shepherd of John 11Bruce Rodgers2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayWalking WorthyBrian Crawford2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayGospelBrian Crawford2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayThe Shepherd SeekingWilliam Lavery2014 Conference2014-04-26
PlayHearingBrian Crawford2014 Conference2014-04-25
PlayMosesA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-15
PlaySamsonA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-15
PlaySamuelA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-15
PlayJohn the BaptistA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-15
PlayLord JesusA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-15
PlayIsaacA. J. HigginsSonship2014-03-14
PlaySovereignty of God and Responsibility of manStuart Thompson2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayPsalm 23Scott MacLeod2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayJosephMurray McCandless2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayBad beginningsMurray McCandless2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayGospelLarry Perkins2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayThe tried saintsJoel Portman2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayHebrews 11William Lavery2013 Conference2013-05-28
PlayPsalm 75William Skates2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayLove one anotherStuart Thompson2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlaySanctify the Lord in the trialScott MacLeod2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayGospelScott MacLeod2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayTake the place God has given usMurray McCandless2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayDavids 3 mighty menMurray McCandless2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayShall we continue in sin?Larry Perkins2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayPassovers in the Gospel of JohnJoel Portman2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayGrowth in the christian lifeWilliam Lavery2013 Conference2013-05-27
PlayPsalm 72A. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-02
PlayErosion and EnemiesA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayEgaged in BuildingA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayElevated to the ThroneA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayEstablished in the KingdomA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayEnabled for LeadershipA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayEnlarging the KingdomA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-12-01
PlayFor Our EducationA. J. HigginsSolomon2012-11-30
PlayGospel MeetingStuart Thompson2012 Conference2012-04-29
PlayMaking Choices at a CrossroadLarry Perkins2012 Conference2012-04-29
PlayWork In CorinthJoel Portman2012 Conference2012-04-29
PlayRelationships with the FatherJim Smith2012 Conference2012-04-29
PlayPsalm 22-23William Lavery2012 Conference2012-04-29
PlayBrotherly LoveStuart Thompson2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlaySinglenessShad Sluiter2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayChangeLarry Perkins2012 Conference2012-04-28
Play5 Double TypesJim Smith2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayJonahGary Sharp2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayCommendation of PhoebeBrian Crawford2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayGospel MeetingBrian Crawford2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayNumbers 13William Lavery2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayPassing PriesthoodWilliam Lavery2012 Conference2012-04-28
PlayHigh Priest: Hebrews 9John StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-08
PlayHigh Priest: Day of AtonementJohn StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-06
PlayHigh Priest: Golden CrownJohn StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-05
PlayHigh Priest: Breast PlateJohn StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-04
PlayHigh Priest: Blue RopeJohn StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-03
PlayHigh Priest GarmentsJohn StubbsHigh Priest Garments2012-04-02
PlayInto Thy HandsBruce RodgersCries from the Cross2011-10-27
PlayI Thirst, It is FinishedBruce RodgersCries from the Cross2011-10-26
PlayMy God, My GodBruce RodgersCries from the Cross2011-10-25
PlayWoman, Behold Thy SonBruce RodgersCries from the Cross2011-10-24
PlayHelpLarry Perkins2011 Conference2011-05-01
PlayGrowing in Our Knowledge of ChristJoel Portman2011 Conference2011-05-01
PlayWorship and HindrancesBrian Kember2011 Conference2011-05-01
PlayGospelBrian Crawford2011 Conference2011-05-01
PlayWalking for GodWilliam Lavery2011 Conference2011-05-01
PlayFeatures Displayed by the Local AssemblyWilliam Skates2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayDiscipleshipShad Sluiter2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayGetting Along With One AnotherLarry Perkins2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayPriesthood of BelieversJoel Portman2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayBearing the Yoke in Our YouthBrian Kember2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayGospelBrian Kember2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayVow of the NazariteBrian Crawford2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayGospelBrian Crawford2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlaySoundings of the TrumpetsWilliam Lavery2011 Conference2011-04-30
PlayNo ExcuseStuart Thompson2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlayPlaces relating to the CrucifixionScott MacLeod2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlayProfitable ThingsMurray McCandless2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlayI am the Door, the Shepherd, the Bread of LifeLarry Perkins2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlaySpiritual PerspectiveLarry Perkins2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlayThe coming of the LordJohn Slabaugh2010 Conference2010-04-25
PlayThe coming of the LordWilliam Skates2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayThe presence of the Ever-existing OneStuart Thompson2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayThe Church, The Bride
Scott MacLeod2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayBible Reading: Ephesians 1:1-14 (Part 1)Murray McCandless2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayBible Reading: Ephesians 1:1-14 (Part 2)Murray McCandless2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayDavid's lament over Saul and JonathonJoel Portman2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayHow far will my love go?Allan Christopherson2010 Conference2010-04-24
PlayMercy SeatJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2009-01-30
PlayArkJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2009-01-29
PlayAltar of IncenseJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2009-01-28
PlayTable of ShowbreadJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2009-01-27
PlayLampstandJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2009-01-26
PlayLaverJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2008-11-14
PlayBrazen AltarJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2008-11-13
PlayTabernacleJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2008-11-12
PlayCourtyardJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2008-11-11
PlayTabernacle OverviewJoel PortmanThe Tabernacle2008-11-10
PlayActivity of the Saints in the Eternal StateJohn StubbsFuture of the Saints2008-09-26
PlayAppearing of the Saints at the ManifestationJohn StubbsFuture of the Saints2008-09-25
PlayAdorning of the Saints at the MarriageJohn StubbsFuture of the Saints2008-09-24
PlayAppraising of the Saints at the BemaJohn StubbsFuture of the Saints2008-09-23




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